The DSM Hollywood ministry team is a unique and on-fire group of young people from a diverse range of professions, talents, gifts and callings. They have all united with Dan and Sue Sherstad to live out their Kingdom calling to ministry in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. They are a powerhouse of spirit-filled, prophetic, compassionate people who love the Lord and love people. Come hang with us!
Dr. Dan Sherstad is a prophetic minister to the nations with a special grace for leading people into a understanding of the reality of the Kingdom of God, the loving Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the tangible anointed presence of the Holy Spirit.​
Learn more about Dr Daniel HERE.
EMAIL US to inquire Dr Daniel to speak at your event.
Sue Sherstad is a speaker, teacher, and author with a heart for God and fire of the Holy Spirit. She has a powerful prophetic gift, heart for worship, and walks with power and remarkable wisdom. This makes her a natural leader and example to women of all ages who desire to serve the Lord according to His biblical desire for women.
Sue is a firm believer in the power of Jesus Christ to deliver and break all people free from bondage, strongholds, and oppression. Learn more about the books that Sue has co-authored HERE.
EMAIL US to inquire Pastor Sue to speak at your event.
Loved, and Created with Purpose:
God made humankind to relationally know Him as “Father”. Every person is important to God, and has been created with destiny. Humankind was originally made in the image and likeness of God, ordained to have righteous dominion over the earth through relationship with Him. No person exists outside of the will of God. God loves each person, no matter how they self-identify.
Salvation only through Jesus Christ:
A loving relationship requires free will, which God gave us. God knew mankind would fall into sin and need redemption. After humankind fell, every person was born with a nature contrary to God’s holiness. God promised to send a savior, referred to as the Messiah or the Christ (chosen, anointed one). This Savior is the Word of God who became flesh, Jesus (Hebrew: Yeshua) the Son of God. Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem humankind, making the way for fullness of salvation, not just going to Heaven later, but knowing and walking with God now, completely forgiven and new. When people receive God’s salvation, they are in the process of being transformed inwardly into the image of Jesus Christ, bearing outwardly the fruit of true love.
This salvation is a free gift available from God, purchased by Jesus giving Himself as the only sacrifice for our sins. True righteousness requires justice, which includes punishment for evil. Jesus, the express image of God, took our sins upon Himself on the cross. We have the privilege to choose whether or not to receive God’s love, or to love evil. Love is revealed in the Savior giving His life for us, dying on the cross and resurrecting after 3 days, that we too could be dead to sin and alive unto God. We receive this gift of salvation by repenting and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, if we turn our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, believing that He died for our sins and rose again, we are forgiven of our sins, and born-again of the Spirit of God. Christ dwells in our hearts through this saving faith that the Father leads us to.
One God, 3 Forms:
Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. He is the creator. He is good. His love endures forever. He is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. God alone is worthy of all worship. The Father has exalted the Son. The Holy Spirit is testifying of the Son. Jesus is Lord. In Christ dwells all the fulness of the Godhead, bodily.
The Bible:
We believe that the Holy Bible in its original form is entirely God-inspired, “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
The Church of God’s Love and Power:
The Church is the body of Christ, the redeemed. If the real Biblical Jesus is not the head, it’s not His body. The word “church” from Matthew 16:18 is the Greek word “ecclesia”. In the time that the word “ecclesia" was chosen by God for the Bible, it was never a religious word, but rather a governmental word. The Church is a governmental body of believers, like a legislative assembly. Jesus made the way for humanity to be restored to righteous dominion. The following verse (v19) speaks of authority that the Church has through Christ. Members of the body of Christ have the Holy Spirit in them, but are also called to be baptized and continually filled with the Holy Spirit, operating in the power of God (including the gifts of the Spirit as written in 1 Corinthians 13). The Lord works with His children to confirm the testimony of Jesus Christ with signs following. It is God’s intent to be revealed through His redeemed children in the character of love, and destroying the works of darkness. God has called His body to work together, regularly gathering to build up one another in love. The Lord is working with His children in the ministry of reconciliation unto God. The Church is one with Christ.
The Return of Christ:
Jesus will physically return to earth. No one knows the day or time of His return except the Father.
Those who receive God’s love will spend eternity with Him. Those who choose darkness over the true light up to their last breath have chosen to reject God’s love and be cast into punishment with the other rebellious spirits for whom hell was created. One thousand years after Christ's return, there will be a new dynamic of creation referred to as the New Heavens and the New Earth. The wicked will be cast into the lake of fire. Christ will reign forever!